+39 392 44 04 928.
Artist's description, Simone LINGUA:
Kinetic cube 1 I've hypothesized to divide it in a regular and form, splitting its internal part in other smaller cubes, this division has been gained by the joint of transparent plexiglass blades, the perpendicular intersection of these blades, draws lines and levels inside the cube itself, creating, in my imagination a series of tridimensional pixels.
I've decided so to use the substance as a surface to create another form: the sphere.
The visual perception of the sphere takes place form the intersection of red disks painted on plexiglass, the eye sees a figure that doesn't exist, or seems to be tridimensional when actually it is not.
Observing the work of art through the holes created by the intersection of the blades, the visibility of the sphere is nearly non-existing, this is alive only through the
Movement ( of the artist or spectator ), the red disks put on top of each other and they reflect on the internal part of the cube using the geometry of the decomposition of this.
We've got the perception of a red sphere Almost "muddy", in a continuum movement and evolution, the figure of this creates and cancel itself and inside the cube, misleading the spectator and transport him/her with the imagination inside the work itself.
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