domenica 4 marzo 2018

EIN ALTAR ZU ALEPPO. [2017. Alexander Merian WINN.]

«An altar to Aleppo? Why a work of art about the Syrian civil war? A work of art - will neither save the world nor end the war! I can not keep silent and enjoy my life, face the daily killings, destruction and persecution. My conscience, my heart, my only true God, and history demand of those who want peace and are righteous - an opinion. I am not a warrior or hero. The "Altar to Aleppo" is to be realized as a gift for the free Syrian people - to Aleppo. I am looking for your moral support and a Crowdfunding campaign, financial donations to build it in a size of approximately 2m x 2.6m three-dimensional. A multi-part winged altar with various Christian sites. An "altar" for all the thoughts of God in the world. Please share these thoughts, please share the pictures – and wear - and share in this idea. Now everyone can take a stand before his conscience - morally or financially. Thank you for your support, help and love.»

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