sabato 6 aprile 2019

[c.s.:] Confirming Dinner tonight 9 PM.


I'm back kicking it with my high school boyfriend, Vanilla Ice. Not my show, not his show, but the reboot of While Your Were Out. Which means, it wasn't my way or his way that ruled the design, but both of us had to collaberate and listen (yes, I just went there)

Anyhow, It's at 9/8 c.  If you email me back fast enough, I'll come to your house to watch it because I don't have a TV (seriously) And I'm not kidding on that.

So tune-in tonight and follow along on and rumor has it I might even go live while watching?

As far as everything else, life is crazy, as usual, but I'm back to work--I promise. Stay turned. It seems the projects just keep getting better :)

Enjoy your weekend and please, don't even think about it ---It's all GO GREEN in our land. I didn't go to MSU, but my BFF did so I have no choice in the matter.
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