2010. November 20th/Dicember 18th...
Between Two Points - Galerie Weisser Elefant. Refugium 2 (Berlin - Germany).
2008. October...
Museo della Permanente -
Premio profilo d'Arte, group show (Milano - Italia).
2008. October 22th/26th...
Profilo d'Arte, group show - Banca Profilo (Torino - Italia).
Biblioteca Chiesa Rossa, Milan, Italy |
Microyoung, group show – March – April 2008
Centro Culturale Bertolt Brecht, Milan, Italy |
Micromailart, group show – March 2008
Magazine, Real-Presence 07, Belgrade, Serbia | www.real-presence.org, group show - August 2007
Museo della Basilica, Clusone (Bg), Italy |
1er Salon Franco-Italiano Le Raincy – Clusone, group show – June – July 2006
Kaibakh Festival, Castione della Presolana (Bg), Italy | group show – July 2005
Festival dell’Arte, Clusone (Bg), Italy | group show – April – May 2004
All’Orologio, Clusone (Bg), Italy |
%Percento solo show – January – March 2004
Biblioteca comunale, Castione della Presolana (Bg), Italy |
Documentari immaginari solo show - summer 2002
Il Tassino, Bergamo, Italy |
Il filo di Arianna solo show – January 2002
Project and planning of the exhibition spaces of
Kaibakh Festival with the realization of the installation Cicatrice, Castione della Presolana (Bg).
Collaboration to the scenography of the short-film
L’Intruso, directed by Anna Toninelli, Milano.
additional professional expirience:
Inside Magazine, Brescia, Italy
Curator of On Air section
Photographer for the book
Philippe Perrin – Heaven Express, edited by bnd TomasoRenoldiBracco ContemporaryArtVision, Milan, Italy
Bnd TomasorenoldiBracco ContempraryArtVision, Milano, Italia
May 2005 – June 2008
Workshop Real-Presence 07, Belgrade, Serbia | www.real-presence.org
August 2007
Kaibakh Cultural Association, Presidence of the Kaibakh Cultural Association with center in Castione della Presolana (Bg), Italy - 2005
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